Friday, 26 August 2011


 Peggy Valley is a collaborative project with writer Adam Rostowski. Through a combination of drawing and writing , the viewer will follow a small village and its inhabitants as they deal with various misfortunes.

Below are a few sketches and drawings of characters and scenarios

                                                    The pipe ponderers at work in the pub

                                                          Dick Bonvoyage - pub owner

                                                 Doctor Fleshtigen in his study

                                       Doctor Fleshtigen in deep conversation with the clown

                                                   Jimmy, the local rascal, up to no good

June Sketchbook

LA sketchbook

                                                                      American Customs

                                                            San Francisco Subway Ride

                                                                       Jay & Joel in a car


                              Somnium is an imaginary creature who feeds on and regurgitates nonsense.
                              The sculpture is made of balsa wood and clay, and painted with acrylics

The start of a narrative

                    Screen painted landscape: on paper and on canvas, coloured in with acrylics
 Large scale two point perspective drawing based on the 3d set I built. The style draws on traditional draughtsman techniques as a way of presenting a ficitonal place.
  The same drawing after the incident: a bird flew into the studio and shat exclusively on my work. Nice.
    "The gate": use of one point perspective and introduction of text as a jumble of words to be sorted by the characters in space.
                                                                   The Belch of nonsense

                                                                 The search for Logic